Measurement quality from affordable GNSS receivers#
In this section we will assess some basic differences in terms of GNSS observables between a geodetic-grade and an affordable receiver.
Show code cell source
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from roktools import rinex
from roktools.time import compute_elapsed_seconds
from roktools.stats import rms
from roktools.gnss.types import ConstellationId, TrackingChannel, Satellite
from roktools.gnss.observables import compute_code_minus_carrier, compute_geometry_free
from roktools.gnss.edit import mark_time_gap, detrend, remove_mean
%matplotlib widget
Using the roktools
library, the RINEX data from the receivers will be stored
into a pandas
for short) for manipulation.
# DataFrame with data from a geodetic receiver
#df_geodetic = rinex.to_dataframe('../assets/SEYG00SYC_R_20140581500_05H_01S_MO.rnx')
df_geodetic = pd.read_parquet('../assets/SEYG00SYC_R_20140581500_05H_01S_MO.rnx.parquet')
# DataFrame with an affordable receiver
#df_afford = rinex.to_dataframe('../assets/MTIC00ESP_R_20191221131_05H_01S_MO.rnx')
df_afford = pd.read_parquet('../assets/MTIC00ESP_R_20191221131_05H_01S_MO.rnx.parquet')
The DataFrame
can be consider a CSV file of sorts, where each row has a time tag, satellite, observables and other fields that will be explained and used later in the notebook. A preview of the contents can be obtained with the head
epoch | constellation | sat | channel | signal | range | phase | doppler | snr | flag | slip | |
0 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 1X | E121X | 2.492298e+07 | 1.309712e+08 | 2196.344 | 47.0 | 00000000 | 0 |
1 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 5X | E125X | 2.492299e+07 | 9.780326e+07 | NaN | 47.0 | 00000000 | 0 |
2 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 7X | E127X | 2.492299e+07 | 1.003546e+08 | NaN | 46.3 | 00000000 | 0 |
3 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 8X | E128X | 2.492299e+07 | 9.907894e+07 | NaN | 52.2 | 00000000 | 0 |
4 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E19 | 1X | E191X | 2.500360e+07 | 1.313950e+08 | -2145.535 | 48.7 | 00000000 | 0 |
Observable types#
Once we have loaded the RINEX files into DataFrames, we can perform some basic checks on the differences between geodetic and affordable GNSS data.
The following example gives you the channels tracked by the receiver for each GNSS constellation.
The channel corresponds to the last two characters (i.e. band and attribute) of
the RINEX observation code (see Section 5.2.17).
For instance 1C
for GPS means the observables obtained with the C/A tracking at the L1 frequency.
To know the observables for constellation, we will use the groupby
method of pandas
# We will group the data using various criteria
columns = ['constellation', 'channel']
# Use groupby() to group by the two columns and apply unique()
unique_combinations = df_geodetic.groupby(columns).size()
# Print the unique combinations (along with the number of samples for each
# tracking channel)
constellation channel
E 1X 18910
5X 18910
7X 18910
8X 18910
G 1C 87774
2W 87774
2X 87774
5X 87774
R 1C 54304
1P 54304
2C 54304
2P 54304
S 1C 25134
dtype: int64
We can now perform the same for the affordable receivers
unique_combinations = df_afford.groupby(columns).size()
constellation channel
C 2I 95280
E 1C 106261
7Q 106261
G 1C 138731
2L 138731
R 1C 111380
2C 111380
dtype: int64
In these examples, the following basic differences are observed:
the geodetic receiver tracks various frequencies (GPS L1/L2/L5, Galileo E1/E5a/E5b/E5, …) whereas the affordable receiver tracks typically two frequencies (GPS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5b, …)
the affordable receiver does not attempt to track encrypted codes (i.e. GPS
code) by means of e.g. z-tracking loops. Only civilian codes (e.g. GPS L2C) are used.
Some other strenghts of affordable receivers:
Availability of SNR and Doppler measurements (not always available in 30s or high rate CORS data)
High rate up to 0.1s (or even higher) available for affordable measurements
Code noise: Detrended code-minus-carrier#
The observable code noise of a GNSS receiver can be estimated using the code-minus-carrier combination. This section illustrates how to estimate to check some basic differences between receiver types
The steps to be followed to compute the unbiased detrended Code minus carrier are detailed in the following steps (taking as example the Geodetic receiver and then applying it to the Affordable receiver)
Edit the data and find phase breaks such as cycle slips. In this example, since receivers already provide with Loss-of-Lock Indicator (LLI), we will only mark phase breaks due to data time gaps
df_geodetic_cmc = mark_time_gap(df_geodetic)
Proceed to compute the code minus carrier (CMC) observable. Each row of the
contains the range and phase, so there will be as many CMC observables as rows. A note of caution: the phase is usually expressed in cycles, therefore we will need to get the wavelength from the tracking channel in order to be consistent with the units
df_geodetic_cmc = compute_code_minus_carrier(df_geodetic_cmc)
epoch | constellation | sat | channel | signal | range | phase | doppler | snr | flag | slip | arc_id | wl | cmc | |
0 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 1X | E121X | 2.492298e+07 | 1.309712e+08 | 2196.344 | 47.0 | 00000000 | False | 0 | 0.190294 | -13.752709 |
1 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 5X | E125X | 2.492299e+07 | 9.780326e+07 | NaN | 47.0 | 00000000 | False | 0 | 0.254828 | -23.022230 |
2 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 7X | E127X | 2.492299e+07 | 1.003546e+08 | NaN | 46.3 | 00000000 | False | 0 | 0.248349 | -20.960017 |
3 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E12 | 8X | E128X | 2.492299e+07 | 9.907894e+07 | NaN | 52.2 | 00000000 | False | 0 | 0.251547 | -22.530810 |
4 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | E | E19 | 1X | E191X | 2.500360e+07 | 1.313950e+08 | -2145.535 | 48.7 | 00000000 | False | 0 | 0.190294 | -36.599890 |
# Plot a CMC for a channel and satellite
signal = 'E121X'
df_sample = df_geodetic_cmc[df_geodetic_cmc['signal'] == signal]
plt.plot(compute_elapsed_seconds(df_sample['epoch'])/3600, df_sample['cmc'], ',k')
plt.xlabel('Elapsed hours')
plt.ylabel('CMC [m]')
_ = plt.title(f'Code-minus-carrier for {signal}')
Because the CMC contains twice the ionosphere, which is a nuisance parameter for us (because we are interested in the noise). We will proceed to remove its contribution with a simple detrending, based on a rolling window
n_samples = 5
df_geodetic_cmc = detrend(df_geodetic_cmc, 'cmc', n_samples)
# Plot the detrened CMC for a channel and satellite
signal = 'E121X'
df_sample = df_geodetic_cmc[df_geodetic_cmc['signal'] == signal]
plt.plot(compute_elapsed_seconds(df_sample['epoch'])/3600, df_sample['cmc_detrended'], ',k')
plt.xlabel('Elapsed hours')
plt.ylabel('Detrended CMC [m]')
plt.ylim(-1, 1)
_ = plt.title(f'Detrended Code-minus-carrier for {signal}')
# Analysis for Ublox receiver
df_afford_cmc = mark_time_gap(df_afford)
df_afford_cmc = compute_code_minus_carrier(df_afford_cmc)
df_afford_cmc = detrend(df_afford_cmc, 'cmc', n_samples)
Let’s compute now an estimate of the code noise for the geodetic grade and the affordable receiver, for a specific band and constellation.
# GLONASS is excluded as the slot number to know the frequency (and hence the wavelength)
# is missing
condition1 = df_geodetic_cmc['constellation'] == ConstellationId.GPS.value
condition2 = df_geodetic_cmc['channel'] == '2W'
#condition2 = df_geodetic_cmc['channel'] == '1C'
df_tmp_g = df_geodetic_cmc[condition1 & condition2]
condition1 = df_afford_cmc['constellation'] == ConstellationId.GPS.value
condition2 = df_afford_cmc['channel'] == '2L'
#condition2 = df_afford_cmc['channel'] == '1C'
df_tmp_a = df_afford_cmc[condition1 & condition2]
noise_samples_geodetic = df_tmp_g['cmc_detrended']
noise_samples_afford = df_tmp_a['cmc_detrended']
rms_geodetic = rms(noise_samples_geodetic)
rms_afford = rms(noise_samples_afford)
print(f'Geodetic receiver code noise: {rms_geodetic:.2} m')
print(f'Affordable receiver code noise: {rms_afford:.2} m')
Geodetic receiver code noise: 0.34 m
Affordable receiver code noise: 0.32 m
Observable noise: Detrended LI#
In addition, to the estimation of the code, for multifrequency receivers, the geometry-free (ionospheric) combination can be used to estimate the noise of the phase observables
constellation = ConstellationId.GPS
channel_a = TrackingChannel.from_string('1C')
channel_b = TrackingChannel.from_string('2W')
# Let's reuse the previous dataframe that has been already edited (time gaps marked)
df_geodetic_li = compute_geometry_free(df_geodetic_cmc, constellation, channel_a, channel_b)
The ionospheric combination (LI) contains the ionospheric delay, constant terms due to the phase ambiguities of the carrier phases used to build the combination as well as the phase hardware biases and noise of the phase observable
An example of LI for a particular satellite is shown in the Figure below
epoch | constellation_a | sat | channel_a | signal_a | range_a | phase_a | slip_a | constellation_b | channel_b | signal_b | range_b | phase_b | slip_b | li_m | pi_m | |
0 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | G | G01 | 1C | G011C | 2.434418e+07 | 1.279295e+08 | False | G | 2W | G012W | 2.434421e+07 | 9.968548e+07 | False | -36.684348 | 25.582 |
1 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | G | G04 | 1C | G041C | 2.382347e+07 | 1.251933e+08 | False | G | 2W | G042W | 2.382349e+07 | 9.755329e+07 | False | -17.711599 | 17.414 |
2 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | G | G05 | 1C | G051C | 2.506722e+07 | 1.317292e+08 | False | G | 2W | G052W | 2.506725e+07 | 1.026462e+08 | False | -30.585518 | 26.824 |
3 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | G | G07 | 1C | G071C | 2.346388e+07 | 1.233036e+08 | False | G | 2W | G072W | 2.346390e+07 | 9.608087e+07 | False | -40.325221 | 16.801 |
4 | 2014-02-27 15:00:00 | G | G08 | 1C | G081C | 2.418957e+07 | 1.271171e+08 | False | G | 2W | G082W | 2.418959e+07 | 9.905244e+07 | False | -38.773982 | 20.829 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
87769 | 2014-02-27 19:59:59 | G | G10 | 1C | G101C | 2.304162e+07 | 1.210848e+08 | False | G | 2W | G102W | 2.304163e+07 | 9.435189e+07 | False | -23.682447 | 11.836 |
87770 | 2014-02-27 19:59:59 | G | G15 | 1C | G151C | 2.285345e+07 | 1.200958e+08 | False | G | 2W | G152W | 2.285346e+07 | 9.358119e+07 | False | -19.520759 | 12.805 |
87771 | 2014-02-27 19:59:59 | G | G24 | 1C | G241C | 2.167144e+07 | 1.138841e+08 | False | G | 2W | G242W | 2.167145e+07 | 8.874101e+07 | False | -38.376173 | 15.293 |
87772 | 2014-02-27 19:59:59 | G | G26 | 1C | G261C | 2.301703e+07 | 1.209555e+08 | False | G | 2W | G262W | 2.301705e+07 | 9.425102e+07 | False | -0.104817 | 11.543 |
87773 | 2014-02-27 19:59:59 | G | G28 | 1C | G281C | 2.421823e+07 | 1.272677e+08 | False | G | 2W | G282W | 2.421824e+07 | 9.916970e+07 | False | -12.247415 | 11.145 |
87774 rows × 16 columns
sat = 'G04'
condition1 = df_geodetic_li['sat'] == sat
df_tmp = df_geodetic_li[condition1]
t = compute_elapsed_seconds(df_tmp['epoch'])
li = df_tmp['li_m']
plt.plot(t, li, '.')
plt.xlabel('Time [seconds]')
plt.ylabel('LI [m]')
plt.title(f'LI combination for {sat}, Geoetic receiver (SEY1)')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'LI combination for G04, Geoetic receiver (SEY1)')
import pandas as pd
def detrend_li_combination(df:pd.DataFrame):
Perform a detrending of the LI combination (if present in the input dataframe)
df['slip_li'] = df['slip_a'] | df['slip_b']
df['arc_id'] = df.groupby(['signal_a', 'signal_b'])['slip_li'].transform('cumsum')
trend = df.groupby(['signal_a', 'signal_b', 'arc_id'])['li_m'].transform(lambda x: x.rolling(n_samples).mean())
df['li_trend'] = trend
df['li_detrended'] = df['li_m'] - df['li_trend']
condition1 = df_geodetic_li['signal_a'] == 'G041C'
condition2 = df_geodetic_li['signal_b'] == 'G042W'
df_sample = df_geodetic_li[condition1 & condition2]
plt.plot(df_sample['epoch'], df_sample['li_detrended'], '.')
plt.ylim(-0.05, 0.05)
(-0.05, 0.05)
We can proceed with the same analysis for the affordable receiver, taking into account that the observables are slightly different
channel_a = TrackingChannel.from_string('1C')
channel_b = TrackingChannel.from_string('2L')
df_afford_li = compute_geometry_free(df_afford_cmc, constellation, channel_a, channel_b)
condition1 = df_afford_li['signal_a'] == 'G241C'
condition2 = df_afford_li['signal_b'] == 'G242L'
df_sample = df_afford_li[condition1 & condition2]
plt.plot(df_sample['epoch'], df_sample['li_detrended'], '.')
plt.ylim(-0.05, 0.05)
(-0.05, 0.05)
The detrended time series can be used to compute the noise figures of the carrier phase for both types of receivers
# Remove outliers for the statistics
noise_li_afford = df_afford_li['li_detrended'][(df_afford_li['li_detrended'] > -1) & (df_afford_li['li_detrended'] < 1)]
noise_li_geodetic = df_geodetic_li['li_detrended'][(df_geodetic_li['li_detrended'] > -1) & (df_geodetic_li['li_detrended'] < 1)]
print(f"Phase Noise Affordable receiver: {np.std(noise_li_afford)*100:.0f} cm")
print(f"Phase Noise Geodetic receiver: {np.std(noise_li_geodetic)*100:.0f} cm")
Phase Noise Affordable receiver: 1 cm
Phase Noise Geodetic receiver: 2 cm
As it can be seen, the differences between receivers is not substantial. This can be further confirmed with the actual distribution of the noise samples, which follow a very similar Gaussian pattern for both receivers
bins = np.linspace(-0.05, 0.05, 200)
_ = plt.hist(df_geodetic_li['li_detrended'], bins=bins, histtype='step', label='Geodetic')
_ = plt.hist(df_afford_li['li_detrended'], bins=bins, histtype='step', label='Affordable')
plt.title('Histogram of carrier phase noise (estimated with LI)')
plt.xlabel('Code phase error [m]')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')